Blog - Payreto

For internal testing only


Hello! this is a test to see how it works! This is another paragraph that is for testing, of course it’s not a paragraph but it signifies something that is long enough to be an example that this is one long paragrapgh! another one too! a bit shorter this time And of course another paragraph […]

Wrapping Up 2024: Highlighting the Trends and Challenges in the Financial Services Industry


Closing the chapter on 2024, the financial services industry stands at quite an exciting time—having gone through a year filled with innovation, changing regulations, and impactful global events. The industry is best described as a landscape in flux, driven by a digital-first mindset with more institutions embracing technological solutions to stay competitive, address customer expectations, […]


How is payment processing transforming in a digital era?


The global health crisis of COVID-19 bought about an economic downturn along with a change in consumer behaviour towards payments. A major shift took place with the decline of cash usage following hygiene concerns, with cash payments having declined by 16% globally in 2020, according to the 2021 McKinsey global payments report. Consumer payments migrated […]